The Grapevine - The Latest News from His Branches

"I am the Vine and you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit."

Monday, December 13, 2004

Greetings from BT

BT writes from Jerusalem:

Despite the turmoil in the region of the Middle East and the difficulties they face, the Lebanese, as people displaced from their homeland, continue through their long process of transition. Some are coping better than others and I try to give a picture of the community through the personal stories I share. Some of the older people may never really adapt, but they do hope for a better life for their children. The Lebanese value education and with extra tutoring most of the children are doing well in school, even though they must study in a new language. Many who have completed high school are now students in university or college. Working amongst this group of people over the past 20 years, first through years of war in south Lebanon and now as refugees in Israel, has also been a great learning experience for me. They have a unique history and it has been both interesting and challenging to have a part in it. As I reflect over the years I know the Lord has enabled me in many ways to be a witness of His love and compassion. Even though they have often felt neglected, the Lord loves the Lebanese and has not forgotten them. As I visit with many individuals and families, they are encouraged to know that the assistance I can offer through the dental clinic and projects of mercy represents the prayer and gifts of many caring Christians.

Click here to read her entire Christmas letter.

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